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Turkish company specialized in product labelling manufacturing and solutions is looking for international partners under commercial agreement

Datum objave: 24. maj 2024

Turkish company has been manufacturing various labels for several industries and providing labelling solutions since 2005 in Istanbul. Company has various manufacturing activities including but not limited with shrink sleeve labels, self-adhesive labels for Personnel Care and Hygiene, Pharmaceutical, Food& Beverage, Household Appliances, Chemistry, Automotive, Textile and many more industries
Turkish company specialized in product labelling manufacturing and solutions is looking for international partners under commercial agreement
Our company was established in 2005. We contribute to the sales and business of its customers and produces customer-oriented solutions by providing consultancy to the companies that it supplies labels to; about market conditions, preferences and trends. With different materials such as coated,thermal, metallized, PP, PE, Vellum, UltraClear and different glue options such as Acrylic, Hotmelt and Nonperm, a wide range of labels can be produced. We also have different applications for labels such as lamination, emboss, cold foil, adhesive killer, perforated, printing on glassine paper, reverse printing, stopper, whole or partial varnish. In addition, different thickness options of materials such as PET, PVC can be used for the production of Shrink Sleeves. Our company are producing shrink sleeve for below sectors: • Personnel Care and Hygiene • Food& Beverages Labels • Household products • Chemistry • Toys Beside shrink sleeve label our company also produce self-adhesive labels for below sectors: • Personnel Care and Hygiene • Pharmaceutical • Food& Beverages Labels • Household Appliances • Chemistry • Automotive • Textiles • Barcode Labels We have ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certificates, also FSC Certificate.


SPS Etiket Baski ve Ambalaj San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Muhammed Taha Güler
Merkez Neighbourhood. Dereboyu Street. No:68 Floor:2 34303 HALKALI/ISTANBUL
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